Oh, what a chilly morning - lovely bright sunshine, though, so it will be a nice day! Hi Christine, hope you like these little zingers - no drab colours for me in reproduction fabrics! Yesterday I finished my 9-Patches for the Swap - all 72 of them.
My serviced Pfaff is running like a Ferrari, so I took off! It is amazing what incentive it is to get things done when a new pattern, The Civil War Bride, is on its way! Next I'm going to start on the Signature Block Swap - should be fun! Another great piece of fabric I picked up in Melbourne at Kelani Fabrics - an exclusive, screen-print made in Australia - at this stage I am not sure what I will do with it, I just love it!
A nice, short Post today - my Inbox is full and I have a lot of browsing and commenting to do! Sometimes I find it hard to believe all the beautiful pics showing everyone's work - finished and in progress!
Happy day!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
9-Patches Finished!
Posted by Lurline at 9:35 AM 20 Lovely People said ...
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Creme De La Creme!
No - I didn't buy the pattern in Melbourne! But I did put in an order over the phone today. This gorgeous antique reproduction quilt is Civil War Bride Quilt by Corliss Searcey. Now, Kathie from Inspired by Antique Quilts had told me to check it out before I left for Melbourne, then Girlfriend! bought the pattern in Melbourne and now Lizzie, of A House in the Country from Blogland, who I met in Melbourne, keeps talking about it - so, I just have to make it. I was besotted when I saw the quilt - I love applique and vowed I would never take on a big project again - well, this one will be my last, I have promised myself!
I'm fairly sure I won't have to buy any applique fabric and maybe I have something suitable for the background, too - we'll see, when the pattern arrives! More gorgeous fabrics from Melbourne - lower left and middle back, antique repros - A Magoo pattern by Melly & me, spots for his body and floral for his pants - then just a few lovelies in the middle!
My sewing machine arrived from the serviceman today, so I'll be stitching away very soon!
Happy day!
Posted by Lurline at 3:49 PM 33 Lovely People said ...
Monday, July 27, 2009
Melbourne Was Great!
What a wonderful time we had in just a couple of days! Lots of show and Tell, but too much for one Post.
Above - Best of Show, Star Crazy by Linda Steele.Runner Up to Best of Show - 19th Century Medallion by Carolyn Konig!
What a wonderful trip with gorgeous travelling companions - and yes, we did burn the candle at
Posted by Lurline at 8:08 AM 29 Lovely People said ...
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Ta-dah! Finished!
Green Tea and Sweet Beans, so far - that's blocks for 2 months! Looks like it will be a bright, happy quilt.
Top right - Pink Penguin's Reversible Bag ! I must say that on the particular day I made it, the instructions just didn't work for me and I'm happy to admit it would have been 'me' - so I fudged a little and it has turned out a really cute little bag! Yes, its finished! All pics of 'My Studio' - I promise this will be the last! Now it is all so functional and practical - fabrics organized - it has been a long drawn out procedure - I love it now and intend spending lots of time there, such a light, bright, fresh room!
Uh, oh - yes, I have been naughty again and signed up for another BOM! It's from Material Obsession by Sue Ross and called Tradition with a Twist, I think! Check out my Sidebar if you are interested - Ive chosen Pretty/Contemporary.
Posted by Lurline at 8:54 AM 39 Lovely People said ...
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Hugs & Kisses for SweetP !
I've opened my Christmas in July pressies - thank you so much, Paula of Coffeetime Stitches!
I've been thoroughly spoiled, haven't I ? A gorgeous stocking, I have never had one before, a Clover white marker and little rolls of cord and ribbons! Also, a gorgeous table runner, 30's fabrics and needle cases! I just love the card made from and A4 paper and wrapping paper! I can't wait for Christmas now to use my goodies!
Posted by Lurline at 1:44 PM 31 Lovely People said ...
Friday, July 17, 2009
A Beautiful Signature Quilt!
I have ordered this book - I just love the Signature Quilt - the nicest I have ever seen, I think! There is a Signature Swap being organized in the USA - this book has been shown and I have to make this quilt! How I will go about names? - I don't know! It will be fun working it out, but I know a lot of my Blogland friends will figure on it!
Posted by Lurline at 9:41 AM 17 Lovely People said ...
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Green Tea and Sweet Beans - July!
A little sewing has been done, thank goodness - very therapeutic! Here's the first blocks of the above mentioned BOM - see my Sidebar, also! Now this is supposed to be done by hand - I cheated and foundation-pieced and achieved these sweet blocks, Lozenges, in a very short time!
Those below, Garden Paths - am not feeling such a smarty about them - maybe some foundation-piecing and some hand - hope I get a chance to try today! Below again - my blocks for June, for Christine's 9-Patch Swap! Christine felt the blocks needed a few zingers - these are done in Cheddar, but I can't achieve the right colour in a pic, sorry, they are Cheddar and bright!
Man at work - yes, yes, 'My Studio' is coming along nicely - carpets shampooed and a new cutting table being assembled by dear son, David - he's not too happy about my taking this pic! Quite a bit more work will happen in the next few days!
Posted by Lurline at 8:59 AM 22 Lovely People said ...
Monday, July 13, 2009
Moving On ... The Tote I Made!
This is another buzz for me - though not my design, I did make this great tote! The pattern is in the latest Down Under Quilts magazine! Also, a few cute fabrics I picked up at the Market Table at our South of the River day out!
They are all beautiful!
Posted by Lurline at 3:53 PM 22 Lovely People said ...
Sunday, July 12, 2009
South of the River!
Thanks for your kind thoughts at these troubled times, never mind! A lot of beauty and fun here! Meet Jundi, a baby kangaroo rescued out at the goldfields of Western Australia!
Posted by Lurline at 8:53 AM 23 Lovely People said ...
Friday, July 10, 2009
A Kid in a Lolly Shop!
Yes, yes - that's me! I am having a very sad and stressful time with 'family matters' at the moment - what better way to cure the blues! I took Heidi and Byron toy and lolly shopping 3:30 yesterday afternoon - a nice school holiday outing to spoil my beautiful twin grandchildren!
Toys for the little ones at Target then into Ye Olde Lolly Shoppe - a new addition to our shopping centre! Now, this little guy above and below looked at me and said 'Lurline, take me home!'. A fascinating wooden toy that brings back memories of long ago. Pull the string and look what he can do! Maybe Mildred can tell us how long ago these lovely toys were in vogue? It is worth popping in to visit her at Nalley Valley today - funny, funny story! And then honeycomb - another oldie but yummie!
Posted by Lurline at 12:14 PM 22 Lovely People said ...