Thursday, August 6, 2009

Warm, Fuzzy Feelings!

How good can life get? I have been happily working in 'My Studio' preparing the first block of my Civil War Bride Quilt and the Postie arrived!

See to the left - a Signature Block from Stephanie of Loft Creations. Stephanie hasn't joined the Swap, but has sent me a block anyhow - I will treasure it, thanks Stephanie - I'm quite overwhelmed! And oopsy! I have covered the signature on this little note - earlier in the week I received this little note with a pattern of Stephanie's sent to me by Baby Girlfriend!, Shari. Oh, I have been so happy!
As I was pulling out of the garage last Tuesday to go to Girlfriends! Day - dear Ann, my next door neighbour came to the car and asked if she could weed my front garden. Of course, there were great protests on my part and what can one do with such a wonderful gesture - Ann is formerly an English lass - she insisted it was such a lovely she wanted to spend it in the sunshine!
My heart is very warm, so I thought I would like to share this feeling with you all!


  1. What a wonderful neighbor friend! And your gift from Shari is so sweet! Stephanie sending the signature block, WOW, you must have been a really good girl! Your Civil War block is beautiful!!!! I love it!

  2. Tell Ann there is plenty of sunshine and a free bed here if she wants a working holiday!!!!

  3. Your Civil War quilt looks like quite the endeavor.
    How wonderful to have such nice neighbors. I'm sure you are a great neighbor to live by and have given her way before, too.

  4. Your garden looks great. I might have to pinch you neighbor for a month to have my garden look like that.

    Your Civiil War quilt is looking good. And what a nice surprise to get in the mail. Lucky girl

  5. That block is looking good Lurline, I will have to show mine, at about the same stage too.

  6. Isn't it nice to be spoiled. Your civil war quilt is going to beautiful

  7. I love the Civil War quilt block - what warm colors Lurline. How very nice of your neighbor to work in the flower beds. It looks lovely.

  8. Good luck with the Civil War Quilt...It should be so pretty!

  9. Hi Lurline
    I will be watching the progress of your Civil War Bride Quilt with much interest. that Bag has such personality and I know your version will look wonderful. We had wonderful Spring weather today too. It does make you want to get out into the garden. My Vegetables literally sing in this weather :-)

  10. So much loveliness and kind gestures - thanks for sharing the warm fuzzies.

  11. Its great to see you have started on the Civil War Bride Quilt!! I will be watching your progress with great interest.

    Your front garden looks great! What a great friend and neighbour Ann is.

  12. Hi Lurline, love reading your blog , it always has something to lift the spirits. I've fallen in love with the civil war bride quilt,where can I get a pattern? Cathy B

  13. Well Lurline,like the old saying "birds of a feather flock together", if you find yourself sought out and surrounded by kind, wonderful people, it surely means you are one too!

  14. Special gestures from special people for a special lady!

    Is there anything better than a 'warm and fuzzy' feeling?

  15. That is just going to be a stunning quilt! I'll be following your progress. Shari is a sweet lady that's for sure. Enjoy your mail. :o)

  16. Your block is beautiful! A prelude to an amazing quilt.
    Aren't good neighbors such a blessing?

  17. Your quilt will be amazing, and how nice to have such sweet friends!

  18. wow send your neighbor to my house!
    love your first block
    I can't wait to get the pattern!
    it will probably be another week or so before it arrives here in the USA
    glad your starting it, will inspire me!

  19. It's nice to be spoiled once in a while. Nice progress in your Civil War Bride quilt block.

  20. What a great week you're having :o)! You deserve to be spoiled Lurline!!! How lovely that you're getting to enjoy your new 'studio' :o). That quilt you're working on is stunning ..... obviously a long term project though - goodness, what a lot of work in that!!! :o)
    Joy :o)

  21. Home at last!
    love your new quilt block, how lovely of Stephanie to send you a siggie block..
    Great neighbour you have, mine garden needs doing too..
    have a great day.
    hugs Julia ♥

  22. oohhh your friend can come and weed my garden any time ......

  23. Gee your lucky having such a lovely Neighbour...I am loving your first block for that "lots of work"'s looking Great way am I Tempted with this One.!!!

  24. Your applique quilt is going to be wonderful!

  25. You are indeed blessed - a lovely beginning to the CW quilt, special deliveries by mail, and a sweet neighbor.

  26. What would we do without our friends! The block is lovely, too.

  27. My mother in law came to visit for several weeks and she got my flower beds in good order right away. I was so happy she came to help, since I am not that good at it. I would rather spend my time sewing than pulling weeds.

  28. Such a lovely gesture -- could she drop by here, perhaps tomorrow? I have a few weeds she can play with -- I'll try to have some sunshine, but also some shade. The high 90's make the sunshine hard to take!
