Sunday, January 17, 2010

A Weekend Sewing?

Oh, my goodness - all my good intentions haven't happened! It has been more than frustrating trying to work out why I can access the Internet via Google Chrome, but not through Internet Explorer. One thing I have learned is how to upload a pic through Picasa and now I am able to talk to you!

I have managed to finish off one secret RAK and make another - thanks to all who told me you thought my fabric choices would work - I think they have! The knitting bag is made from a pattern of mine that was in DUQ last year - Happy Bag!

With all the playing about with the computer, I have managed to answer most of my emails, still a few to go, I always seem to be lagging behind. I have all my family coming around in an hour or so and Ben, son-in-law will cook a barbie and the rest of us will stay inside in the cool, air conditioned house - oh, we are so lucky to have it on a day like this - a scorcher!

Hope you are enjoying a happy weekend!
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  1. Oh Lurline, the bag is gorgeous with those fabrics. Of course I do love red. And what about the rose, beautiful as well. I never did download google chrome because I'd heard about the hassles.

  2. I too have been having awful problems with the internet over the last couple of weeks, and at time blogger has been less than perfect.
    I love the bag and the colours are just yummy.

  3. Oh nice Lurline! the red did work perfectly :O)


  4. Your Bag is Perfect. Just the best knitting bag :-) I would put my socks in it anytime ;-)

  5. The RED is perfect with this fabric. Love this word fabric too, you find the greatest fabrics!
    BEAUTIFUL bag, what a lucky person that will be to receive it.
    sorry to hear of the computer woes...
    nothing worse.
    Hope the weather cools down soon for all of you

  6. Beautiful bag - just the right size by the look of it. The colours are perfect.

  7. LOVE that bag. Terrific fabric combination and the photo is so pretty with the rose.

  8. Your bag is beautiful! Makes me want to learn how to knit!

  9. The fabrics worked great on the bag. Love it!

    Good luck with the computer problems. It's frustrating when things act up.

  10. The bag is lovely Lurline! I like what you used for your little break between the two bag fabrics! A nice touch!
    Enjoy the barbie with the family! 8-)

  11. I understand the technology frustration. It seems to take me hours to resolve things.

    Love the bag. It's perfect for Valentine's Day.

  12. What a gorgeous bag. Love the colours too. I can empathize with you computer troubles

  13. So how are you taking the 109 degree temperatures?
    My husband left Friday for Perth and it was 22 degrees he is melting!
    He asked me if he should buy me any fabric from OZ and I told him NO it is too expensive over there!

    Keep cool and Happy Sewing

  14. Wow, Seems like you sewed that purse up quickly.. It's beautiful!! Love it..

  15. Lurline ~ You did a wonderful job on the bag. Sadly, I didn't do any sewing this past weekend. Instead, I spent time playing with one of my grandsons.

  16. I really love your bag. Would you be able to share the knit fabric used?

  17. . I never did download google chrome because I'd heard about the hassles

    Work from home India

  18. I love your bag. I just made one this week in red and cream. I have red and white handles that I used. Will show it off soon - Hugs Nat

  19. You are a warm individual I can tell by use of descriptions on your blog...I love how you post "lovely" for people who comment. The picture of Australia lit us is wonderful!
