Friday, February 19, 2010

Books, Dolls and Roses!

It seems to have been a very long week - sadly very little stitching - lots of spring cleaning ... even though it isn't spring! I received this book in the mail this morning - the title says it all!

At a very quick glance - I'm smitten! I have always felt so sorry I missed Gwen's first book and I think, I'm not sure, I'm one of the first Australians to see her second book! Maybe it is time - time to abandon the neatness and precision of traditional quilt making and move on to a bit of creative freestyle - I must admit my inspiration won't come from within and I will have to keep getting it from other sources - but, that's okay!

Here's another couple of pages from the same book - lots of fun!

Have you noticed my two new Kimmi dolls - I love them! They have been calling me for a long time and now I have indulged - maybe they won't call anymore - I'm so happy with these little ones!
Yes, I have discovered Fishpond and another two new books - purely for coffee table purpose!

A beautiful climber, Don Juan - he has survived our very hot weather!

It is so lovely to drive into the garage and be greeted by these pretties - makes my heart lift!
Another weekend is nearly here - I hope to get some sewing done - I hope yours is a good one, too!


  1. That looks like a great book Lurline! And your yellow roses are so beautiful! Have a great weekend! :0)

  2. OHHH! AHHHH! I want that book!
    And your roses are gorgeous!

  3. I have the books they are so fun!! I love your Kimmi dolls , I would love to have those too. And you roses are always so beautiful. Have a great weekend, Jane

  4. Liberated Quiltmaking II is definitely on my Amazon wishlist! Very inspiring! Love your gorgeous flowers. While much of this country is still buried under snow, her in the NW, Spring is beginning to show itself.

  5. Nice book, lots of inspiration. Great roses, I can smell then from here

  6. Looks like a great book. Others are posting about it too. I love your flowers. They give me hope. Flowers will return to Michigan someday soon, I hope.

  7. Mmmm Nice book, cute dollies and gorgeous flowers - the perfect recipe for a lovely weekend and some stitching - Enjoy

  8. What a great post! the books look good, the flowers are beautiful, The Kimmi dolls, not seen those before, very cute. Hope you get in some sewing time soon. Have a lovely day.

  9. It looks like I will have to get that book too. Your roses are beautiful.

  10. Hi Lurline, love your post. Roses are beautiful
    but let me tell you I started with a few Kokeshi
    dolls and now I have a whole shelf full. Cheers Sharron

  11. I have the Liberated Quiltmaking II as well and love the basket quilts in there. Your roses are lovely - Hugs Nat

  12. First, I'm a huge Gwen Marston fan. I have a number of her books and also a bunch of Lady's Patchwork Circle mags where she used to be a contributor. I also took a class from her after the original Liberated Quiltmaking book came out and have a signed copy. Can you imagine! I can't wait to see what you make.

  13. Gwen's new book looks wonderful! I'm going to have to check this one out.

  14. I love getting a new book and thumbing through the pages - your book has lovely photographs. Your roses sure have been pretty. I bet they smell so sweet when you walk by. I wish you much happiness this week.

  15. Lovely roses Lurline. Wish I could send you some crisp cool air. Those Kimmy dolls are sweet. The book looks like a challenge for it is difficult to leave all the rules and precise working.

  16. I love your Kimmi Dolls. I have started collecting them recently too.

    Your roses are gorgeous! I especially love the yellow ones!!!

  17. I just bought that book last week. I've devoured it already and will continue to find inspiration in every page!

  18. I love Gwen Marston too. You always make everything look SO enticing in your posts Lurline. Can't wait to follow the liberated quilt thread now... Ann ♥

  19. I love your Kimmi dolls, and the roses are so lovely. Everything is all brown here from the winter, and I'm looking forward to flowers and green.

  20. Beautiful flowers. Love the basket quilts.

  21. beautiful flowers and oh I am still waiting for that book to arrive
    hopefully soon!!!!
