Saturday, April 17, 2010

Now Don't Be Mistaken!

Isn't this gorgeous! Green Tea and Sweet Beans - a BOM I am doing! See my Sidebar!

Oh, I have been naughty! I just love this quilt and am months behind!

This is my effort to date - maybe I have finished a couple of more blocks - lots are waiting in the drawer, so I think this could be the perfect time to try to finish a few more!
I tried doing some bookwork without my sling this morning - nuh, it didn't work! I'm feeling so despondent and that is not a good way to be! I did have a lovely chat with Chookyblue ... this morning an that's a great way to start a day as many of you know! I'm going to see if I can chat now with Christine in Brisvegas - seems she is not on top of the world and that is so not like her!
Happy stitching!


  1. lovely having a chat with you too Lurline.......

  2. Isn't the green tea and peas (I can never remember the title for this quilt) a beauty? I have been getting those boms each month but haven't even started the first one yet, so you are beating me! Sorry to hear you are still not 100%, I'm sure you will help cheer Christine up, not good to hear she is not well either. xo

  3. Pretty projects. Hope your arm will heal soon now.
    Have a great week end and take care!

  4. Looking good from here. It is so bright isn't it.

  5. Great ,it looks lovely,and ever so much work.
    Hope your arm will soon be OK.
    Happy Stitching.

  6. What an unusual name for such a lovely quilt. Well done for having a go, but look after that arm my friend - a few weeks frustration now is best, just to make sure it's 100% in the future.
    hugs, Miche'le

  7. Ooh what a gorgeous BOM, the fabrics are very yummy, by oh my all that applique!!

  8. hi beautiful, thank you for our lovely little chat tonight

    you always cheer me up


  9. Your Quilt is going to look gorgeous too :-) There are some gorgoeus blocks in there. Love the clamshells. I can understand your frustration at the moment but it will be worth it. Take Care

  10. Absolutely love this quilt. Your fabrics and colors are fun.

  11. I love that quilt! I've seen a few other people working on it as well. No problem being behind. You have all the parts, you can work on it when you feel like it. Right? That's what I always tell myself anyway. :D Hope you're not feeling too down about not being able to use your arm. Think positive -- you'll be back to normal sooner than you think!

  12. I do so love that quilt. I hope it will be a pattern for sale one day. I am nursing tendonitis and have been off the stitching lately and I am sorry to hear that you are in this boat too. I want nothing more than to spend a day quilting and stitching but I must be patient with myself.

  13. I love that one quilt.....and the colors you chose for the next one is so bright and cheery...

  14. I love the GT&SB quilt and your blocks are looking great. I tried to sign up for it but was to late. Maybe the pattern will be for sale latter but of course the fabrics are half the fun. I always get behind on blocks of the month too. I hope your shoulder continues to heal well and all will be as it should be very soon!

  15. I love, love, love this quilt! One I would sure like to make!

  16. The BOM is a beaut! I love your use of colour! Sharonj.

  17. I just love your quilt. It is so bright & happy, makes me smile.

  18. I hope that all your blogging buddies are cheering you up a bit. You are such a creative person that I'm sure that it is hard to be slowed down (or even stopped) for so long, but each day is closer to 'better'. The quilt is going to be a cheerful, happy beauty.

  19. Lurline, that "Green Tea and Sweet Beans" quilt is so beautiful! What a lot of work but well worthwhile! I hope you feel better, I'm sorry for you! It's so hard to be "held up" when we have so many fun projects to do!!! Hang in there~!

  20. What a great always find such nice project to do!

  21. I love that quilt! Your blocks are gorgeous and I am looking forward to watching your progress.

    I sense your frustration at not being able to do much at the moment, but it will all be worth it in the end.

  22. I got briefly excited about GTASB...then realised it wasn't yours! You will get there with it ( & you make me feel sooooo much better when I think I am behind with something...LOL!) Nice to chat with friends!

  23. Oh I just love what you have done!!! Hang in there! It will get easier.

  24. It is looking great Lurline. I am so sorry to heat about your arm. can you make some of the blocks on the machine?

  25. It is a Lovely Quilt...How can You be Naughty when you have had Surgery...Your being Too Hard on Yourself...I know it's Hard when Your Itchin to Stitch...
    Take Care
    are you on webcam.?

  26. Hi...lovely quilt, been trying to find a pattern for this quilt. Is it available for purchase?

    Lydia Goode

  27. Lurline, I love this quilt and what you have done so far. Going to be a winner.

  28. Your blocks are beautiful! It's okay if it's going a little'll get caught up!

  29. The BOM looks like it is a lot of stitching to accomplish a finished piece. You will get there. I like the newsprint look background fabric.

  30. I'd forgotten you were doing this one Lurline. It must be so frustrating for you, I know you want to sew, but please don't rush, wait until you're comfortable.

  31. Hi -
    what a fun BOM - have fun
    I love, love your flower block on the newsprint -
    what a fun and happy quilt project

  32. Enjoying your blog! And love the fabric choices you've made for your blocks so far. Very cheerful. The quilt pattern is full of interesting blocks and appliques. Fun to do....when you can.

  33. Fantastic quilt Lurline! Really amazing, I love it. Take care of yourself, let your arm heal :o) toni xxx

  34. Lurline, you are doing a great job. BOMs are sometimes taxing and life does get in the way...LOL....your blocks are wonderful.
    Take care.

  35. Awesome BOM Lurline! Very happy colors!!!
    Your blocks are looking great so far! 8-)

  36. I also love this quilt! It is so busy and cheerful. Wishing you fast healing so you can work on it again. Take care, Em:)

  37. Lovely BOM .... very colourful .... here's hoping that you will be giving us good news soon!
