Sunday, May 23, 2010

Happy Weekend!

Not for me sadly - just a little learning curve going on here, it won't beat me!

Now I don't have a computer - oh, I'm so sad! I'm using David's laptop to say a little hello to everyone. I just hope I have all the data on mine still - a techo will be out Tuesday morning, if I don't decide to chuck a Charlie in the meantime and run around the streets begging for help!

Happy Weekend everyone - do some more stitching for me please!


  1. AAHHH how frustrating for you Lurline! I hope Tuesday brings good results for you. Thinking of you xo

  2. Take Care and go with the flow says Lynne trying to stitch in between sneezes :-)
    Big Hug

  3. Oh no...not again Lurline, these computers have a mind of their own..hope it gets fixed soon.
    Hugs Julia ♥

  4. Hope you are not without your computer for long we will miss hearing from you...even though you are not stitching at the moment we still want you to touch base...
    take care & hope your Techno can do Good on Tuesday..

  5. Tell your techo that if he doesn't get it fixed soon he'll have a bunch of bloggers nagging him to hurry up LOL. We'll miss you if you're gone too long!!!
    Joy :o)
    PS ... how's your poor shoulder???

  6. Oh no, no "Charlie chucking" allowed!!! Think of this as a bit of a techno vacation.

    I'm stitching hexagons, so I'll be thinking of you as I go . . .

    Regards, Sue

  7. Oh Lurline! It's one thing after another, isn't it? Take it easy. Hang in there! Hope you still have all your data on your computer!

  8. Good luck with the computer problem...and hope you are mending nicely!

  9. Oh, my goodness! I hope your computer is back in good working order very soon. We do become attached to them! :-) ♥

  10. You'll soon be back.. we have all been there.
    Good luck anyway x x x

  11. Am thinking good thoughts for you and sending them your way--you will be back in the "saddle" soon---Hugs, Di

  12. Bummer are you feeling?

  13. I know that you feel lost without your computer: I would. That is one reason that we have more than one computer, each, and back up both with an external hard drive. But not being able to at least read what is going on in blogland, and through email, is like loosing the ability to hear and talk. We miss you!

  14. When it rains it pours, doesn't it Lurline. I'm so sorry you have more problems on your doorstep. Be well my dear.

  15. I almost hate leaving a comment so you don't have more to deal with. Goodness sakes friend. Hang in there. I strongly dislike computer troubles.

  16. One more thing hey Lurline... Don't let it get you down... All will get well again, and we are all here pulling for you... 8-)

  17. Hope you are getting that computer thing figured out. I'll be watching for you.
