Sunday, July 18, 2010

I'm a Survivor!

I know it hasn't been a good year - so far I have survived - maybe just! Sewing machine trouble - I wonder why? Machine problems - I tinkered, re-threaded top and bottom, dismantled and cleaned, new needle. I really wanted to finish the Windows and Frames Quilt so a few little tears in my current state of mind. When I put my foot down, sometimes it just looked at me and did nothing, other times it took off like a rocket winding thread galore and clanking away!

I borrowed Julia's machine - couldn't get the 1/4" accurate with my previous blocks. I gave up thinking to myself do a Scarlett and think about it tomorrow. Picked my machine this morning (still a bit of a challenge with my weak little wings!) and started to put the cords in again - now this really wasn't funny! - bare broken wires - the copper ones, see them. Don't strange things happen in life - I must have been very wicked in my past one, lol!

I won't speculate on what could have caused the damage, not nice to think of what the outcome could have been - I do have a little idea! I am so desperate to get this quilt finish to send it to Karen to be quilted! Pop over to her site to see her unique, amazing wholecloth!

Just a little bit of joy in this Post - pretty delicate white flowers on one of our succulents, David's (son), so that's nice! I haven't been Posting or Commenting a great deal - hopefully it will all come together again - however, I have done a lot of Browsing, and that is always such a thrill


  1. Oh Dear Lurline they are Nasty Wires that's for sure...have been wondering how you were is the Shoulder.?? Cheer up..Hopfully New wires on your machine & you will be all systems GO.!!!
    take care

  2. Your little white flowers are certainly pretty. Hope that you get your machine fixed quickly and your quilt off to be quilted.

  3. Hi lurline

    Oh those wires look very scary, so glad your okay.
    Things will change for the better, they always do. Hope your back on track soon.

  4. oh Lurline sorry for your woes, things will get better they can only go up from here!
    This is going to be your year, 2011 just watch!

  5. I hope the rest of this year is much better for you Lurline. ((hugs))

    Pretty flowers.

    Thank you for the link to Karen's blog.

  6. Lurline, have been wondering how you are. You're right....some years you just think, what did I do to deserve this??? but it DOES get better and it will! Look out second half of the year....!!!!
    Take care my friend,
    big sugary hugs ((( )))
    XX Wendy :O)
    BTW, loved Karen's quilted talented is she!!!???!!!

  7. That cord sure is a bit of a mystery... glad you didn't get zapped! Love the windows and panes quilt - what a great opportunity for special quilting. Hope to see you Tuesday!
    Hugs - Shari

  8. Lurline there's certainly no doubt, this has been a pretty yucky year for you. I'm praying that the bad is all over and done with and you can look forward to lots of good things coming your way .... cos that's what you deserve!!! Hang in there ... and I do hope your machine is all fixed and good as new very soon.
    Big Hugs,
    Joy ;o)

  9. Your jade plant looks great! We had one bloom once many, many years ago, but never again. Hoping your run of luck improves immediately.

  10. Oh my, I shudder to think how you could have been "zapped" royally. Good thing you discovered it before then.
    Hope more happy days are ahead for you.

  11. Here's to a new start to a much cheerier patch!!

  12. As long as you are well Lurline that's all that matters , nice to see you though !

  13. We all need to send you some positive vibes in the hopes that things will start going up and you'll be free of all the stresses of the year.
    I see some rewiring in your future, lol. At least you found out.

  14. Lurline, one thing after another seems to be going wrong for you, doesn't it? Sigh. So sorry -- glad you discovered the problem before something worse happened! Hang in there. Think positive -- sounds like you're doing that! Good luck finishing the quilt!

  15. Oh Lurline, my poor dear. I hope it's all past now and this half of the year will be nothing but happiness and good luck - Big hugs to you from me - Natima

  16. Oh it is so frustrating when things like this go wrong...I too am sending good vibes over your way, you have had enough bad already this year. Thinking of you from Victoria xo

  17. Hi Cathy, those wires do look scary. Hope you can get them fixed asap. Love your plant outdoors have never seen one outdoors before or with flowers. Here we have them as housplants and never flower. Keep well. Hugs

  18. I have a machine that does the same thing. Hmmm, I better check the wires too. Hang in there kiddo, there is a light at the end of the tunnel!

  19. Yes, I would say that you are a survivor....

    Love the flowers.

  20. oh you are soo lucky that you saw this before starting up again... soo i believe in good carma... and out with the bad dust bunnies for you ... take care...

  21. Oh Lurline, I have a succulent that looks like this but maybe it's not. It's a Jade planet and I'm told they bloom but I've never seen it. How magical. :)

  22. You are definately having a bad run at the moment but at least you found the damaged wires before something really bad happened. Your succulent looks wonderful with its little flowers.

  23. OMGosh Lurline, that's really scary stuff!! So glad that you found the problem before it found you....!! Definitely need a fresh start this year I think.
    Stay well and safe...

  24. Oh Lurline what next?'s been one thing after another, so glad you didn't get zapped from that wire, looks pretty scary there!
    Here is the start of a new week...hopefully a GOOD week, see you Tuesday.
    Hugs Julia ♥

  25. You have an angel watching over you thats for sure Lurline and what a horrid outcome that could have been. But so glad you found the problem. Think I might check on mine now. Hugs Vicki ♥

  26. Hello Lurline,

    I do hope the rest of the year brings much happiness to you and your family and of course a fixed sewing machine. Happy days.

  27. Oh Dear! no wonder the machine was acting strange. Sending good vibes your way too....

  28. Hope things look better soon. :)

  29. Is that little succulent a money plant..I loved the fact that they thrived through the drought and have about 4 big ones on huge pots in my driveway......helping to pull wealth in.....likely. Specially since I am not sure they are in fact the money bush. Guess I could google images.
    Take care. Hugs.
