Saturday, August 28, 2010

Oh, yes - everyone is thinking I've disappeared off the face of the earth! No, no - I really am starting to become the 'old Lurline' - maybe it is spring just around the corner! I've had a little tidy-up in 'My Studio' and found my Saffron Craig Fairy Quilt - nearly finished - top and bottom borders only to go - can I do it? - we'll see!
I've started a Kim McLean applique quilt - it was with a little trepidation I wondered if I had the ability to use Kaffe's fabrics - easy-peasey and I love it!
This is a gorgeous 1940 quilt - I would love to have bought it, but a little too expensive! I just love it and could have coped with the very poor workmanship - maybe I should make one of my own, though how hard would it be to capture the charm of this.
Whoohoo! It's that time of year again - thanks Donna, I'm in! It's fun to look forward to it all and really I would like to start a little stash of goodies to give at Christmas now!
Yes, Lizzie is here - lots of you will know her from A House in the Country! I've invited Girlfriends! to meet here here at lunch next Tuesday - what a buzz!
I have an urge - can't divulge because it involves the sewing machine - say lots of little prayers for me that I can stitch one lovely little project, lol!
Happy Weekend!


  1. Thank you Lurline, for the beautiful welcome. Today I'm relaxing with the grandchildren - in the sunshine....!!! Oh how delicious it is.So looking forward to catching up on Tuesday...

  2. I know you will have a wonderful day on Tuesday and I wish I was going. I love that quilt also and I am sure you could do one similar and it would look fabulous :) hugs Vicki

  3. how much fun will the two of you have on Tuesday! oh your border is looking wonderful, ah yes Kaffe fabrics just beautiful, can't wait to see more!
    so happy that your starting to feel like your old self again and sewing, spending time in your sewing room is so good for you!
    keep it up, we love seeing what your up to.

  4. Lovely Show & Tell..kaffe fabrics suit you so I'm sure your blocks will be Fab!..How Great that you will be meeting up with Lizzie..I'm sure you will all have the Best Time...Glad to hear you have been pottering in your sewing room & by the looks of things getting Motivated once Again...

  5. welcome to the SSCS.........

    how exciting to be able to meet up with Lizzie too......have a great time..........

    goodluck with your project.........

  6. Have fun on tuesday Lurline and give Lizzie a hug for me.

  7. Your quilts look wonderful! Give Lizzie a hug from me too!

  8. Love everything you showed today....glad you are getting back in the swing.

  9. How truly special to spend the day with fellow quilters! Wish I could be there too, though I will in spirit. Have a lovely time. Love the fabrics and the finished pink quilt, too cute for words!


  10. Good to see you back. Hope you get to do lots of sewing soon

  11. I'm glad to see you're starting a new project - a Kim McLean quilt should keep you busy for awhile :0) It looks great so far. I love that old quilt you showed - it has oodles of charm. Have fun with Lizzie!

  12. Slow and steady wins the race and I would say you are winning!! I love the fairy quilt and what you did with the Kaffe fabrics is so pretty. So, all is good and you enjoy your time with Lizzie!

  13. I love seeing what you're up to! Love that Kim McLean quilt so much! And how nice that you get to see Lizzie too. Good luck with the sewing machine!

  14. I am sure you and Lizzie are going to have a ball together!
    Loooove your work with the KF fabric! Beautiful! What fabric are you using for your stems?

    Great to see the old Lurline back!! :)
