It's a wonderful way to start a week - I guess it will be another busy one with Ed slowly improving and hospital trips! Aren't I the luckiest girl in the world - dear friend in Brisbane, Christine of Once Upon A Quilt ... had these delivered to me in West Aussie over the weekend - Christine, you are one of my very dearest friends and love goes to you and yours - I cherish every bit of brightness and happiness!

Dear Cathy of
Cabbage Quilts showed similar blocks on her blog - she said I could show if I had a try so I did between 12:00 - 2:00 this morning! This is a hard one to get in your mind '
Setsuko Inagana' - a Japanese block - busy, yes, yes, I know but I love
♥ - wouldn't it be lovely if I could get one done a day - thanks for the inspiration C
athy - Great Girl!

Recently purchased at our State Quilt Show - me looking at
repros again,
lol! Quite a stunning quilt in life - of course not enough colour for me, but I have ideas! Do you like, Kathie of
Inspired by Antique Quilts !
I have a few little chores then off to the hospital in the rain - we are blessed at last to have the rain-
an hour driving each way, not nice!