Monday, July 2, 2012

WIP - It's a Hoot!

We are having such beautiful warm days here, smack bang in the middle of winter! I've been spending a little bit of time in the front room playing and this is where I'm at. Maybe I will add a scrappy print border and then another white border.
I'm pretty chuffed with it and after a little thought, I have decided this can be the quilt for the puppies. The Wonky Logcabin? - well maybe a little cushion one day.

There is a Modern Quilt Group in Perth and I have been invited - have met the girls online only and they sound a fun group.
Fenestraria rhopalophylla - Baby Toes to me and many others! It is one succulent that will grow very happily indoors in good light and little watering. Chooky showed us her stunning succulent, so I promised I would send a pic of this one.

Still busy days for me - I would like to finish this quilt, so let's hope time permits. Hope you are all enjoying your stitching!


  1. lovely post Lurline.xx

  2. Gorgeous top Lruline and I do love succulents...

  3. Ooh, I love your log cabin quilt Lurline. I think you'll have fun with a modern quilt group.

  4. Er.... scuse me :-) HAVE YOU GOT OUR SUMMER :-) ?
    :-) x x x

  5. lovely quilt Lurline and thanks for sharing your's growing well........
