Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Today I have a short, personal story to tell you. As a lot of you are aware, I am awaiting the birth of my little grandson in Thailand in June. This is my beautiful granddaughter who was born just over 17 years ago - yes, in Thailand too!

I  am so happy to tell you she has grown into a beautiful well-educated, well-adjusted girl and our whole family is so proud and love her so much. It has been a sad, rocky road with sprinkles of joy and happiness and we are so blessed. To my son, Aaron, thank you for bringing Nittaya into our lives and we so much look forward to the new little one, who will be so adored!  


  1. she is a sweetie Lurline and we are expecting a little GS in June as well,it will be here before we know it,lol.xx

  2. She is gorgeous Lurline! Always exciting to be waiting for a new one.

  3. what a gorgeous girl Lurline, beautiful eyes..

  4. What a handsome girl!!!! Are the presents for the new baby ready????

  5. Hello Lurline! Your granddaughter is just beautiful. It is exciting waiting the arrival of a new Grandchild they are so precious. Happy days ahead for you .

  6. She is beautiful

  7. Congratulations! Every grandchild is such a precious gift, I only have one and I adore her!
    What lucky children to have you as there Dear Grandma!

    Happy Sewing

  8. Gorgeous young lady are very blessed,,,not long to wait...
