Saturday, January 21, 2012

Back to the Elephants!

I've missed a lovely lunch with my Girlfriends! - now I feel free to indulge myself in preparing more applique for my Elephant Quilt - hope to get a lot done this weekend!I ordered some gorgeous fabric from Kelani this week - see my Sidebar - lovely folks to deal with. The fabric is 'Happy Sweet Collection' by Kei Fabric Japan - it is a glorious texture, not quite as light as Liberty. I would have preferred it to have been a bit whiter background, but I think if I can stick to a whiteish batting it will be nice - oh, I don't have any plans for it, we'll see! Maybe another Liberty quilt!
Just look at this pavlova made by Sue-Ann of Buddy & Me - amazing! This one surely 'takes the cake' - hey, don't be so sad you Kiwis, lol!

Yummo! Is it afternoon tea time?


  1. yay, I can comment again..
    Lovely fabric, yummy Pav..
    Julia ♥

  2. Yummy fabric and this kiwi will bow to that pav, lol. I must say I love those adorable elephants.

  3. boy would I love a piece of that and a cup of tea, it looks delicious!
    nice fabric! glad your back with the elephants, have fun!

  4. What a great combo, pav and elephants. Love them both.

  5. Now that cake looks fantastic and well....if I had that around I would end up looking like your lovely elephants.

  6. Love your elephants -- the colors -- yum! And speaking of yum -- I'd love to have a piece of that cake!

  7. I love that new fabric you got! And that cake looks so yummy! :0)

  8. I had a dessert like that one at a bridal shower in 1965 and have never forgotten it. Isn't it funny how some things stick in one's mind. I would love to have a recipe if you happen to have one. We don't see those around the Pacific Northwest in the USA.
    I love your elephants. I may make one of those with bears. Great idea.

  9. Cute elephant blocks! Please save a chair for me at tea time! Oh, that looks so yummy. ♥

  10. Very cute elephants - love those colours.
    That cake looks delicious Enjoy

  11. Love those elephants and that yummy pav A wonderful tasty day.

  12. Your elephants are so sweet! :-)
    And that cake~ oh my! Yum!!
    Have a happy day!

  13. love that new fabric you got!And that cake what can i say
