Thursday, April 5, 2012

Zakka Begins!

Aaaargh! Oh Blogger - please be nice! I have accidentally gone to a new version and I either have to get rid of it or stay in kindergarten for some time. I have wagged it from my LPG today, so much to do and seems like a houseful of people with more to come.

Happy Easter to everyone - wishing you happy and safe times! Now let's talk about patchwork - see my sidebar for the Zakka button - my fingers are itching to start, but maybe a quick tidy-up of my Studio needs to happen first. I'm flying on a wing and a prayer here and will just have to continue the way I am going. Above, my chosen fabric for my bag and the pink toile below is 'just because I like it'- cute! I told Cathy of Cabbage Quilts I would show her when it arrived.

If anyone can tell me how to revert to old style of Blogger, please do. Meanwhile enjoy the weekend!


  1. A while back there was an offer to try the new version and I clicked on it and decided it was NOT for ME. Luckily at that time there was also an option to return to the older version.
    When I was growing up, the feeling was that new = better. Now I am much more suspicious that they are fixing things that ain't broke!
    One new thing I hate is that you can no longer click to get follow-up comments. I miss that because I do enjoy reading what others have to say if it is a topic I am interested in. I have made many blogging friends through reading what they responded to others.

  2. I'm with you Lurline! I accidentally clicked on something in blogger and it changed and I want to go back. The old version was much better.
    Can't wait to see your Zakka, have a happy easter :-)

  3. Agree totally, I'm not happy Jan! with this new Blogger. This old dog doesn't want to learn new tricks. LOL.
    Love your fabrics, and the toile is very sweet. Can't wait to see what becomes of the fabrics.

  4. Have a great Easter Lurline. As for anything new, I tend to wait till I'm pushed before I have to change :-) Good luck with it anyway, I will have to ask you for tips I expect :-) when I have to do it too. For now, I am going to stay well away from any button that looks suspect.
    Lots of love x x x

  5. Oh Dear, I fear change on my computer and hope I can keep my old version. It's hard to teach us "old dogs" new tricks.
    Lovely fabrics, is there anything prettier than toile?

    Happy sewing and have a blessed Easter

  6. I have been tempted to click on the new bloger but will not now after reading everyone's comments.

    I am looking forward to watching your Zakka project come to life and wishing you a Happy Easter.

  7. I know when blogger changes things to wait until they iron out all the gremlins so even though I wanted to look, I didn't so maybe that was a good idea. Love your new fabric.

  8. Sounds very annoying. Blogger does have a blog & help forum. I'm sure there will be many others with the same problem & therefore a solution may have been found.
    Good luck, when bloggers bad it is definately dispicable! Tracee xx

  9. Pretty fabrics - especially that just because piece.
    Hope the bunny stops by to fill your basket.
