Saturday, May 26, 2012

Citron Hero!

I'm not sure? Here we are, flimsy complete - straight line quilting to be done. My first Hero quilt - not true to life in colour, the 'citron' is really bright, it will certainly bring a ray of sunshine into someone's life!I really do hope it makes one of our guys or girls happy, let's see how I feel about it once it is quilted! I'm off to a Retreat this long weekend coming, so exciting, lots of Girlie company.
Wherever I go I receive compliments! I posted about this gorgeous bag just after Christmas - it is from my SSCS made by Maria in Denmark. What an easy way to start up a conversation from friends and strangers alike. I cannot thank you enough Maria, especially when people think I have made it, lol! Should I be using it constantly? This question goes through my mind so often, then I think 'why not!' - it one of the most feel-good gifts I have ever received.
Once again, I'm off to tidy my 'studio' - I have a yearning to do some applique and hope the mailman brings me goodies today - Kathy Doughty's latest book and Pandemonium by Kim McLean - lots of good things to look forward to. Happy day!


  1. I just love that quilt and I think some lucky soldier is going to love it too! I think it is just the right mix of bright and cheery complimented by the cool blue border! Love that bag too - don't leave it lying around near me I might have to look after it for you!

  2. The quilt you made is great! I love those bright, cheerful colours and that shade of blue is beautiful!
    The bag is gorgeous! No wonder you get compliments with it.

    Have lots of fun at the retreat.
    I hope the postman brought your goodies today.
