Saturday, July 21, 2012

Sunny Saturday!

Delicious lemons - they don't look real! This beautiful fruit was given to me by a friend - locally grown, how's that? Maybe a lemon meringue pie should be made.I collect just a few Japanese prints - these are are gorgeous, coming from our gorgeous Ayumi of Pink Penguin! I have recently been asked where I get my Japanese prints - well, Google Blije Olifante and Sew Me a Song, both Etsy shops, hope you have some luck, though the fabrics can be quite expensive!
Fate unknown, but a 'must have' of label prints!
The Postie was kind to me this week, so I'm enthused to sew - I always seem to be saying after My Studio is in order. Maybe an hour will make a big difference so off I go and then I can spend some time in my lovely, sunny front room and I have a new little ironing table to set up, too. Thank you for the well wishes - I have improved, so that's great! Happy day!


  1. Those Lemons look gorgeous...hope you sort your sewing room!!

  2. love lemon merginue pie,yummy and those fabrics,lovely Lurline.xx

  3. Glad to hear you are feeling better Lurline.

    Inspiring fabrics!! Thank you for the hints on where to find wonderful fabrics like those.

    I love cooking with lemons! Lemon meringue pie is a favourite here, as well as lemon tar and lemon butter!

  4. Those lemons look perfect and I love the label fabric. Sorry to hear you have been unwell but pleased you are starting to feel better.

  5. Definitely lemon meringue pie, I'm coming!! Love your Japanese prints I have purchased from these gals, they are awesome. Great label fabric. I put that on the back of one of my quilt recently, and ended up liking the back better than the front, heehee! Keep getting better. xo

  6. Don't cut those Lemons! They look awesome on the dish.
    Yes, I've gotten some of her prints too, and love the feel of them and they are wonderful in person!
