Saturday, January 5, 2013

Please Excuse!

There is just so much happening in life and this Post is sooo jumbled, but stay with me, please! I am deliberately using my new iPhone5 for pics (very bad ones, too) and U2 beautifully blasting Beauty Queen from David's room!
Hard to do, but let's skip this one for a wee moment!
 I have shown you before the start of 'my Tree Quilt' from this beautiful book. A little progress has happened, but I must tell you I just love this book!!! You will hear lot's more of it and our dear Kate from Two Little Banshees has a great pattern featured in it. Now Kate's a Western Australian girl, we are so proud of you Kate, hugs!
 Now I just have to think how to delete this copy, lol!
 And this one!
 My beautiful son Aaron and the love of his life, little Oy - they both sort of live in Thailand. We all love Oy like one of our own, she has been in our lives for perhaps 7 years, and now we have a little bub coming mid year. I am absolutely filled with joy and pray God all will go well with the pregnancy!
We are off to Thailand Friday next week for a couple of weeks and I'll bore you more about it all thereafter.
Bad, bad pic again - just a glimpse of fabrics from the latest Low Volume Swap I was in. The postie delivered yesterday and wow! the squares are just sooo great!
 One of my very favourites, and I've already ordered yardage! For now, happy day - I'm off to Perth Modern Quilt Guild tomorrow afternoon - I've newly joined and so far having fun! Will tell you more about it later! I'm out of here while the going is good!!!


  1. Wonderful news, enjoy your trip and we will have to catch up when you are back.
    Love Chrisitine

    1. Its all happening Lurline...Lovely News about the New Grandie have a great Trip Love your Trees...
      the Iphone is great once you get the hang of
      take care

    2. Thanks, Maree - how exciting, I'm at the docs at the moment on my ipadandcan talk to you!

  2. Happy things going on in your life. Congratulations on the new grandbaby coming your way. And I need to get a copy of that Modern Quilt book, too.

  3. Wonderful news Lurline...A happy year ahead.
    have a safe and lovely trip.
    Julia ♥

  4. Lots of fun things going on in your world! Congratulations on the very exciting news!!

  5. ooh sounds very exciting to be having a new baby Lurline. Have you picked the quilt you are going to make? Nice to see you on Sunday too. I had a lovely time. And I slept from midnight to 9.30am this morning - took a pill to help but I am feeling much better now. Cheers, Janine xx

  6. Congratulations to your family on the great news. I hope you have a wonderful time on your trip. Love the trees quilt.

  7. Wow..great news, Congratulations and enjoy Thailand!!
