Friday, May 24, 2013

A Little Bit of Japanese!

Back to the x and + blocks - I meant to post this a day or so ago! I really do love these sooo much, but really find them quite fiddly - maybe 7 different fabrics per block. I have decided to aim for one per day, or maybe at least cut fabrics for one.
I have done a re-start after deciding the others looked a little dark for my liking and also some were quite inaccurate - I had lost my incentive to carry on.

Our State Quilt Exhibition is on at the moment, some beautiful quilts in QuiltWest - however, I took some lousy photos, but will do a re-hash and come up with something decent to show.

I bought some lovely fabrics - the Japanese on the left from an Australian market stall BeBe Bold and those on
the right arriving from the US yesterday
I am getting a nice little stash of Japanese fabrics. I have some great fabrics for Steam Punk with this addition.

Blogger is being unkind, I have lost my signature again and text down the right hand side of the pic???
Happy day everyone - hugs - Lurline!

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