Sunday, May 19, 2013

Hidden Treasures!

It is amazing what happens given motivation! I have been carrying on with Steam Punk, but saw some great fabric that may suit this quilt - Whirlygig by Sarah Feilke, from her book from little things ..... I had previously arranged the stems, so it was fun to collect some fabrics for the centre flower. And boy, did I find some interesting fabrics and some WIP's too!
 My long lost Dresden Plate for which I have done a tutorial - see my side bar - and a similar one in Thirties fabrics was also in the latest issue of Down Under Quilts - the tutorial is featured also! I have a little worry at times that I have lost my touch - I really think my time factor has changed that's all, so I feel good, lol! I was going to make this into a cushion, just thinking though, could be a nice medallion to a simple Kaffe Quilt.
 And so to my long lost x and + blocks - look, just one more needed to make nine, then maybe a nice little small quilt. I would love the time and motivation to carry on to at least make a lap quilt, who knows?
Let's hope you've all had a lovely weekend - and Perth Girls, remember QuiltWest starts next Wednesday, best wishes to all entrants!

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