Saturday, June 8, 2013

Slowly Steaming Ahead!

Hello, Lovelies! Seven blocks prepared to take to Thailand - as you know, applique yet to be done on most. So far, I'm thrilled - I have redone quite a few as the backgrounds were far too busy and I'm kind of chuffed with this quilt - I think it will get over the finish line, lol!

Roses top left - Seduction, I'm sure, naughty but nice! Bottom right,Village Green by Carolyn Gavin for P&B Textiles, just a yard of whimsy Now that was ordered a little while ago, so far, I've stayed true to my word, but maybe promises are to be broken soon,  as I hope to take a little road trip Tuesday.

Our little one in Thailand is restless, sounds like he wants to come into this big wide world - dear son flies next Tuesday - let's hope and pray Aaron is there for both of them. I'm so excited, nearly jumping out of my skin - I have chosen the name Lincoln - now don't laugh - if it is good enough for Wally Lewis, it is good enough for me, not that I will have any say at all!

I have lots to do in the days ahead and still not 100%, but look I'm so lucky, there is so much sadness out there. For now ...

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the new baby in the family. He is adorable. I can only imagine how sad you were to leave him.
    This is a wonderful quilt block. Is it your design? Is there a pattern or tutorial - something, please - available?
    I am enjoying your blog. I found a link to it through Pinterest.
