Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Birthday Aussie Style!

Happy Birthday, dear Carole! Oh, she's looking good - there should be 70 cakes there.

Jan was our cake-maker - so yummo with our wonderful fresh berry fruits. What a super day it was!
We started celebrations outdoors - here's our gorgeous hostess Louise, on the left and gorgeous Barb, on the right. Even in the middle of a very hot summer's day, we had a lovely spot here with a cool breeze starting to come in.
I always take a pic of our gorgeous Gwen - she's a Canadian, and sometimes her family has a peek at my blog - one of the most photogenic people I have ever known and she's gorgeous too!
Fingers crossed! The start of a new quilt, just a lap size - will tell you all about it soon. I think I maybe 6" or so short on the white fabric - what is it, very nice, but I don't know, sob, sob. I've tried one shop, no, not there - I think I've learned a lesson though -when you find a fabric you love, buy a bolt of it! I think I have ruled out Kona and I am doing a test on solids to decide my preference - I'm waiting on some Free Spirit to arrive and would like to check out some Bella, too. Would love to hear from you on this topic.

Oh, by the way - these pics have been taken on my new Sony Ericsson Xperia phone, some good and some not so. This phone is just sooo good - it jumped off the table, smashed apart, and still took the last pic, not bad hey? Still it is nice to know I always have a camera on hand. I am yearning for a tablet/iPad type that is - I'd love to hear from you on this too - is it because I haven't got one that I want one so badly or am I just a spoiled brat?

Happy day everyone!


  1. Looks like the perfect day!
    Oh I love my I Pad at first I didn't want one now I don't know how I ever lived without it!
    I love the Moda Bella solids they are just so soft and feel great. there is a white but I tend to go with the ivory :) to go with my repros! I would use white though with my "brighter" fabric collections !

  2. It looks like you had a lovely day. Seeing you in your summerdresses.....OH I hope spring will arrive son. We had two extremely cold weeks. It is better now but still raining and snowing a bit .....

  3. Happy birthday to Carole! Love the pics. Love your new quilt start too! I love my iPad. Love love love. Don't settle for anything less. It's worth the money!

  4. Your photos turned out great! What a lovely day we had. Your new project looks interesting. Take care and see you Tuesday.

  5. What a wonderful day, and a happy birthday to Carole too.

  6. Happy birthday to Carole!
    Lovely photos, sorry I missed the day.
    Julia ♥

  7. Happy Birthday Carole! looks like a lovely day of celebrating.

  8. Looks like Carole had a wonderful birthday!♥
