Saturday, February 11, 2012

I'm Still With the Elephants!

Not a lot happening here stitchwise - just this morning I've had a little play while having my coffee!
I'm really going to enjoy quilting this little quilt. It has been professionally basted by a friend at my local patchwork group - oh, too easy! I have a nice little collection of Perle 8 threads, no gold or yellow, so I'm going around this elephant with a light tan - looks okay!
I think my mojo has returned - maybe I will indulge myself this afternoon and talk to my Janome for a little while. There is so much whirling around in my creative matter up there - it is just so good to feel totally well - cross fingers it lasts! Hoping you are all having a great day out there!


  1. Whohooooooo Lurline has her grove back!!! Totally love the elephants!

  2. Loving the elephants and the quilting will set them off nicely! Welcome back!

  3. Looking good Lurline. The elephants are so cute. Glad your mojo is back. Mine is slowly returning also. :) Hugs,

  4. Hi Lurline. It's been a little while since I checke your blog and imagine my delight to see the little elephant quilt I am also starting soon. Recently we found out that we will grandparents so I wanted to make this.
    Great work, although I am not able to hand quilt as nice as it needs to be.

  5. Glad to hear you are getting it all together. Those elephants rock!

  6. Glad to hear you are feeling much better.

    Love those prairie points!!!

  7. Your elephants are great all the different colours on the quilt make it a happy one.Nice quilting.
    Glad you are feeling on top again.

  8. Hand quilting is just what this adorable quilt needed.
    I hope your are feeling better and can finish this with a smile.

    Happy sewing

  9. So glad you are feeling better - isn't it wonderful to work with bright and happy colors? Your elephants are sure looking good. Judy C

  10. I absolutely love your stitching on the elephant quilt. Perfect to use perle cotton!
    What is the pattern you are using for the quilt, or is it one you have designed?

  11. It's looking so good! I love how the quilting is coming out! Glad you have your mojo back. :D

  12. This looks so fun and happy. I have yet to try quilting with perle cotton but I really must give it a go. Love how it looks!

  13. What a fun quilt! Happy to read you are feeling better and your mojo is back! Have a great weekend!

  14. Oh Lurline, I can't wait to see all your hand quilting on these elephants. They make me smile just looking at them.

  15. My daughter and I are obsessed with your elephants. I keep showing them to people. I love them.

  16. Love the elephants... I'm just collecting fabrics for this quilt as I have my first grand-baby coming! White background is totally impractical of course, but who could resist such a beauty. Maybe you could share your secret for getting those pointy tails to look so nice!
