I certainly feel like doing cartwheels, oh, I wish I could! I have just received this October's BOM, Green Tea & Sweet Beans plus a pic of the finished quilt - I love it, love it, love it!
I remember now why I was so taken with it the minute I saw it and this is the first pic I have to
to remind of of the reason - it is a delight to receive each BOM and now I can't wait to get them all and have my own quilt!
Here's this month's fabrics - and the
hexie block will be done! Plus a tulips block.
Down Under Quilts is in the shops and what another lovely surprise - congratulations Robyn of
Daisy Quilts - just a little sneak-peak for everyone to see. Australian girls just can't stop - we are on a roll - this Issue 136, will be a must have for a lot of you - there is another gorgeous quilt on the cover by Kathy Doughty of
Material Obsession - the mag will pop out at you! Though I am not really a contemporary girl, I think I could happily live with this cool quilt quite easily! To you, too, Kathy, congratulations! I think I might have a little scrounge in 'My Studio' before I go out to
spray my roses, AGAIN!

No, no, no - not mine - isn't it just a gorgeous rose, though! It's
Bonica - I bought one yesterday now to keep the diseases and bugs at bay - not normally a really bad problem with roses here, but it is the weather - maybe a little tipple of
Seasol in the sunshine will be just what they need!
Pretty, hey?

Happy Day!
33 Lovely People said ...:
No wonder you love that quilt it is stunning it is so alive !
Wow Lurline, I hadn't seen the whole quilt either, I have just joined that bom as they made another 10 places available, now I'm really glad I did!!! I will definately be buying that mag too, go Robyn and Kathy!! xo
Hi Lurline - I got mine yesterday and had the same reaction as you. Won't the hexagon panel be gorgeous. I had also forgotten how the whole thing looked, so very excited. Beautiful rose too. Hope you're feeling better.
the quilt is gorgeous. and i enjoy watching you make your blocks every month. wish i could join but i have too many projects right now.
Wow, that quilt is amazing. Pretty roses too.
Wow Lurline I can feel your joy coming through...Happy Stitching♥x
Oh Lurline, that is the most beautiful quilt. I understand you wanted to make it. YOur fabrics are also lovely. Very nice colours and the rose is beautiful too. Have a nice day
Just love that quilt Lurline. It is so happy. You know how I said this morning I was going to get into the sewing room well it did not happen! One of those days. Tell me how does the Bonica rose keep the bugs at bay?? I noticed mine are having a major aphid problem this year and normally it is not an issue
Happy Appliqueing :-)
Wow that is one colourful quilt...no wonder you love it :)
Amazing quilt Lurline! I love it!
Lurline you find the best BOM projects. I love your roses.
Lots of lovelies again - you just keep them coming. Beautiful fabrics for your BOM and gorgeous Roses - I hope yours are bug free soon!
This BOM quilt is gorgeous. I can see why you fell for it. It is very original too. Enjoy the process and you will definitely enjoy the finished quilt.
This is beautiful. Lovely quilt and great job. Thanks for sharing ~ Stephanie from Maryland
What a great quilt, cant wait to see it compleated.Hugs
That quilt just makes me smile! I could look at it all day. It's one of those where fabric and pattern compliment each other so much. Love your little stash of fabrics. My eyes went straight to the lime fabric with words on it!!!
I'm so pleased to see a photo of the Green Tea & Sweet Beans quilt! It is indeed a wonderful reminder of why I signed up too! I think I'll hang the photo up in my sewing room when my copy arrives. Such a gorgeous quilt!!
well, that is a very bright colourful, joyfilled quilt!!! Yummy fabrics.
Bonica is a beautiful rose. I have it in my garden. It produces lots and lots of bunches of small soft pink roses.
It's really beautiful and happy quilt - Hugs Natima
I love that quilt too!! Lucky you.
The BOM is so beautiful! I can see why you are loving it so much. The finished quilt will be stunning.
What a stunning quilt, I can understand why you love it - think I love it too :o)
Wow, what a beautiful quilt. You must show us your progress as I will enjoy seeing each block you make.
What a delightful project that will be to work on! Gorgeous!
beautiful quilt, great fabrics oh and I love the roses...
oh I hope they post the quilts on their blogs for all of us to see
hope all is well and your sewing up a storm
I just love that quilt, Lurline. What fun you are going to have putting it together.
I must keep an eye out for that magazine over here. Congratulations Robyn!
I love this BOM quilt. I've always wanted to purchase one of those BOM kits, but I'm afraid of making a mistake and not having enough fabric. LOL Beautiful roses. I love roses and wish I had enough direct sunlight in my yard to grow them.
Stunning quilt. I really admire you doing all that appliqué. I love it but I am no good at it. The roses are beautiful Lurline.
Feeling better again?
The quilt is just stunning, and i am excited with you!
Just looking at the fabrics for the next block is amazing! LOVE this quilt!
I want it. I really want it. So pricey to do in USA. But I really want this quilt.
I can see why you fell in love with this quilt. It is fabulous. So happy and fun!
hello lurline,
thank your for your compliement.
you make sooooo wunderful quilts.
i love it.
graeting conny
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