I would like to start expressing hopes and prayers for our fellow Australian on the east coast - here we are languishing in just the greatest weather, warm days and cool nights, while the east coast is suffering in heat and bushfires - I sincerely hope things improve for everyone! I've been having a little play - the block on the left using Stitch'n'Wash fusible, and the block on the right, my old method with freezer paper. Oh, please note my beautiful new scissors, name engraved and all, lol!
I press my pieces toward the shiny side of the freezer paper and where possible remove the paper with long nose tweezers before I do the final few stitches.
Our family (well quite a few of them!) had a great day out to lunch again yesterday - we came home dressed Heidi in a dance costume Ayesha wore many years ago - I love, love, love them!
Byron with piggy-tails - the children rolled around the floor with laughter, music to my ears! He has posed in front of Heidi to get this shot, in case you hadn't clicked on!
I have had little time to Browse, Comment and Reply - I am truly sorry about that - unfortunately life gets that way at times and I don't want to take sabbatical leave, I would miss you all too much!
21 Lovely People said ...:
I will be thinking about the folks on the east side and hoping for better weather.
I love your work, no matter which way you do it! and how cute are your grandkids, I would laugh with Bryon too! remember you do not have to reply to all comments, just know we enjoy your posts!
Your family is just precious. I will keep those on the East side in my prayers. I loved your play time. I started to buy some of that stitch and wash the other day but didn't.
What great days with your family Lurline, so precious I know, take care.
What fun family pictures! Love your blocks too. So sorry to hear about the fires. I don't watch the news anymore or listen to the radio much anymore so I miss out on these kinds of things.
I am a freezer paper lover too. So glad to know you are with me on this one. Especially since you do such beautiful applique.
Cute grandkids. Your grandson looks like he has a great sense of humor.
it has cooled down today.............only 32 which is much better then 42........
It's fine on the East Coast today, can you believe it was 40 yesterday and 21 today but oh the relief. It's good to try new methods, I prefer my needle turn. I never thought to engrave the scissors, good idea. Byron is a hoot!
Hi Lurline
our thoughts are with everyone over the ditch that live in fear of excessive heat and bush fires.
Fantastic, another freezer paper fan. I too love using it, only I leave my paper in, finish stitching all the way around and then trim away from behind. If you give it a little tug the paper comes out easily and it has the bonus of reducing bulk... just another technique :)
love the pictures of the kids!
too cute.
great to capture moments like this. OH yes give me needle turn any day.
I don't like those fusible s either.
I'm always interested to see other peoples methods. You have a lovely family.
Your blocks are lovely. Fun pics of the grandkids. I made a couple dilly bags this weekend. Check them out if you have a minute. I love them! Thanks for the great tutorial.
The blocks are just beautiful. I am so sorry to hear bout the bushfires. Just an awful thing for anyone to endure. The grand kids are just adorable.
Your family is so sweet and I love your blocks and the colours that you used.
Hi Lurline...I have been playing with the stitch & wash too...need to fiddle more but not happy with the crispness of the shapes!
Great new scissors and cutest little blocks ever!
Hi Lurline!
Nice to see what you're up to. I know how it is with visiting and commenting, just so busy sometimes. Hope you have a great week!
Stopped in for a quick visit today to see what is going on over there at yours. Sweet blocks..fun colors!!
That is a lovely bunch of grandkids. Nice blocks too!
It is always good to try new methods... Blocks look great! 8-)
Darling children... And boys are such a ham in front of the camera!!! Too cute! 8-)
Sweet family. I'm with you, old fashioned is best. The freezer paper has its place but not in a real quilt, at least not to me. Your blocks are just my kind. I love them!
The grandkids have fun personality! I never thought about engraving my scissors, what a good idea. Thanks for sharing your experiment with the Stitch'n'Wash. I use freezer paper too, although I remove it before I stitch. Happy stitching!
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