This gorgeous little fellow has finally been introduced to the world - now, don't ask me why not before this, because I can't remember! As I was rummaging through boxes I found him with just a few little stitches to finish the stocking - needle was there, threaded and all. Maybe it is because he is the only stocking I have ever made and with 4 children and five grandchildren, maybe he thought it was safer to be hidden away! I think he is rather gorgeous and shall now let him out at Christmas!

For a start 14 1/2" squares cut with no trim-back allowed, layers of applique with no cut-out behind each layer and embellished with silk-ribbon embroidery and beautiful beading - how was I going to piece this accurately and then hand-quilt through all those layers?
It was a very expensive class supposedly extending over 12 months - I was so enthusiastic, I happily got ahead of the class by following the directions on the calendar - easy peasy! Then my blocks were used by the tutor as class demonstrations - I was naive and lacked confidence and carried on for quite a few months, then thought 'Nuh, this isn't right!' Had a very unpleasant time with the store manager convincing him I was not going to continue.
That's all in the past and now I hope to make some cushions from these blocks - will be nice to turn an unpleasant introduction to quilting into a positive experience!
This morning I opened the box from the US from Stephanie -lots of lovely wrapped pressies and I have quite a few more, too - will show them in my next Post - can't wait until Christmas, all excited like a big kid! What a lovely time of year!
♥ ... Happy Christmas ... Hugs ...♥
12 Lovely People said ...:
Lurline, I especially love the cottage orphan block. That will make the coziest pillow and the teddy bear stocking is adorable. I'm sure he's happy to be out!!
All Teddies should be out at this time of year. It's their Special Time, didn't you know?
He's lovely. I hope Santa leaves something for you inside.
I think your blocks will make great cushions. Very sweet. Will they be your first GID project?
Lurline, you won't believe it but I have a finished one!! I think between yourself Julia and I we have just about covered everything.
Teddy is so happy to be out with his family! What a cutie...
Glad you can salvage all your hard work on those lovely blocks. What a great start to quilting but unfortunate that the class was not taught properly.
Stephanie is a real sweetie and it was so nice to find that she was your Secret Santa... lucky you!
Lurline, thanks for your sweet comments and for following my blog. It is such a pleasure to "meet" you and visit your blog. Blessings to you, Mildred
Lurline, poor teddy!
You know how much I love teddies, so he should be out to enjoy this special time of the year.
I love those blocks, they will make beautiful cushions..
Hugs Julia ♥
I love the teddy , he's very cute. Those blocks are reaaly lovely, all that work into them but they would make great cushions for sure.
A darling little stocking Lurline, and those Piecemaker blocks are awesome! My first experience with quilting was applique also... It still isn't quilted! 8-)
If that's a first attempt at appliqueing it's amazing! You just don't find Piecemaker calendars easily anymore. I kept patterns from one many many years ago.
Hi Just a quick answer to your question about the teapot. I got it at Marshalls last year. It's just cheap made in china type, no brand name.
Hugs, Rhondi
Hi, I read your introduction to quilting & it really struck a chord with me. I had been teaching myself, & I entered a quilt shop, & got sucked into doing a class! My daughter came too, for moral support. Boy! were we glad we had each other. It was just awful, & the woman who owned the shop was a control freak! One other student told us she went home & cried every day, after each lesson! Needless to say, we left before the end of the course, & never looked back!
It is a wonder I kept at quilting, but I still love it.
Lurline glad you found the teddy and bought him out.
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