Here's a recent pic of Byron and Heidi cuddling Georgina - there's always gorgeous big smiles for Nanny!

I haven't quite got my Pay It Forward sorted out, so if there is anyone out there who isn't playing and would like to play, please leave me a comment - seems like lots of folks are already in a little group. The gist of it is I will make 3 gifts for diferent people within 12 months and they in return make gifts for 3 other people - should be a lot of fun and a whole year to do it! I think I have only Christine as a positive player at this stage!
PS - there's a funny little story to this! Heidi and Byron have just been over with their mother and Danielle wanted to see the little dollies so we snuck off into the sewing room to check them out - one was missing and we went through everything in the sewing room - gave up - went outside to have a coffee and next thing Byron says 'I found a baby!' Seems one little dolly had tumbled into the fern while I was photographing. Anyhow, we quickly confiscated the baby and hid it away - well, two very upset children! - and I guess to them Christmas is still a long way off! Maybe I will have to make Byron a bag with Cabbage Patch dollies, too!
I hope you are all having a nice weekend - not too much Christmas stress, please!
♥ .... Hugs! ... ♥
14 Lovely People said ...:
the kids are adorable! and isn't stephanie a sweetheart????? ☺
What delightful children! What joy they must be especially during the holidays. On 11/12/08, I posted about Xavier Roberts-creator of the Cabbage Patch dollies. Your bags that you make are so pretty. Sounds like you need more hours in your day!!!!!
Adorable grandchildren Lurline, and the eyes on the dog, wow! Big like saucers! A little unsure of the situation?! 8-)
My girls each have a Cabbage Patch doll from their preschool days, but I've never seen the little collectables you have, here. They are darling! 8-)
Good luck waiting to open your goodies from Stephanie! 8-)
I so enjoyed this post. I love those little Cabbage Patch babies. I have been buying them at Garage sales, & have so many now. I dont have any little granddaughter's to gift them to, so might see about making a bag for them all, & seeing who has small daughters!
Never a dull moment at your place Lurline!
so pleased to see all your prezzies under the tree.........
I haven't seen any other comments re the pay it forward Lurline so if there's still a spot I would love to play! I must post a photo of my piecemakers quilt on my blog otherwise have a look on my webshots page!
What cheery Christmas smiles . Lovely .
Clare's Craftroom
Love your bag full of dolls! Bryon and Heidi are cute as can be.
I would also like to play "Pay it forward" if you still need someone! I have never done it but it looks like a whole lot of fun!!
Lurline how gorgeous are you grandchildren.
Lots of treats for you on Christmas morning...
Darling children, bags, gifts...everything I see on your site is beautiful!
I love the dollie bag Lurline. Such a special thing. I am starting to make bags for all my gifts as well. I hope you have a truly wonderful Xmas. :o)
It is so fun seeing your blog with Christmas in the summer. I love it.
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