The mailman came yesterday - I have been waiting patiently. These gorgeous fabrics are by Keiko Goke - a nice little collection - enjoy!
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Keiko Goke!
Posted by Lurline at 11:57 AM 17 Lovely People said ...
Monday, December 26, 2011
Laughing All the Way!

Posted by Lurline at 11:22 AM 21 Lovely People said ...
Thursday, December 22, 2011
"Just Relax - It Will Be Christmas Anyway!"

Posted by Lurline at 1:41 PM 17 Lovely People said ...
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Scrap Quilts = Mess!
Everything is buzzing! Such a busy time of year - oh, yes, I still have things to do. Meanwhile, I have decided to stick with my x and + blocks, at least one each day, come hell or high water, lol! Julie will be happy to hear this and so will Cathy. I think I'm on the right track, maybe one black cross to each three or four blocks of other colours.

Posted by Lurline at 12:06 PM 17 Lovely People said ...
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Just a little sneak-peek - yes, Mary, I'm slowly getting there. I guess we are all having busy days, I went to Garden City shopping yesterday, fighting rain, storms and the crowds, sosd no stitching llast night!Just a little to do on the binding now, maybe a little hand quilting and trhen it will bee on the big silver bird!
Below - here she is my Bluebell - a zoom-soom Mazda3. A very nice car to drive, so let's hope she keeps me and all safe!

Posted by Lurline at 2:39 PM 15 Lovely People said ...
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Oh, Oh, Oh Beautiful Day!
Hmmm, Blogger is hopping all about the place - never mind! I have dragged out two cross stitch decorations done many years ago - how wonderful they don't fade! Both are of very vintagey Santas.
This little dolly I can't keep, though I would love to - I didn't make her either! - fancy knitting such a wincey hat, cardy and stockings. I did leave some of her sisters behind and I think I just might have to adopt another two or three! Hope you are all having a lovely weekend - I have some quilting to do and then just one more, maybe two, more pressies to make!
Hugs - Lurline♥
Posted by Lurline at 4:46 PM 8 Lovely People said ...
Labels: Christmas, Cross Stitch
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
My Liberty Quilt!
Here's the Girls - top/left Jan, just looking like she has puckered up, lol! Gwen with the face of an angel, and our dear Shari of Mummsyblossom's World. Below starting from the left - Robin who has put sooo much work into the organization, a wonderful friend. Then we have Moi!, then Barb, being silly, I know but I just love it, I knew she was up to some nonsense - Barb quilted my quilt and we are all so lucky to have Barb with us - a great organizer, too and sort of Mother Hen to all of us, and I mean that in the nicest way!
This is my pressie from Secret Santa - just gorgeous, English bone china and a very large size cup - I'm a coffee drinker, so it will have to be a coffee cup - I will feel sooo posh!
I'm battling away with new computer and seem to be getting there though very time consuming, let's hope all the pennies drop soon - for now Happy Day!

Posted by Lurline at 10:29 AM 17 Lovely People said ...
Labels: Girlfriends, Liberty
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Hello, Hello!
Posted by Lurline at 12:00 PM 13 Lovely People said ...