Just popping by to say Hello! This has been such a busy week and it is not over yet!
I haven't achieved a great deal stitchery-wise, but here is a little of what I've been up to in the evenings! See below - I'm using the large Yo-yo Maker by Clover and sort of having success towards making a little cushion top - cute, and fun! I have finished one of October's blocks for Green Tea & Sweet Beans, again substituting several fabrics from Nanette at Freda's Hive! Nanette has brought out a new pattern - teapots and houses - really cute and worth checking out!
Wishing you all a happy day - and hoping I get a little more time to Comment and Reply!
43 Lovely People said ...:
Eye candy and yummy colours Lurline. I love them all - Great photos too, thanks for sharing - Hugs Natima
Gosh I love what you're doing here too Lurline!
The little YoYo's are adorable.. and the hexies.
Love the colours...so fresh and happy!
I love your yo-yo's! So pretty and uniform...glad to know what you used to make them. I just ordered a Clover large yo-yo maker because no two of mine looked alike! (ha-ha) Now I am doubly excited to receive it and start playing!
Your roses are beautiful!
In stitches,
Teresa :o)
Those are the cutest yoyo's Lurline. I remember my Mum's friend making those when I was little. Also, that rose is so deliate and pretty. Just a beautiful post dear friend.
Great yo-yos. I think making a pillow cover is a great idea, and I've been wondering if those yo-yo makers are any good. Great mini-hexies.
I love the yo yo cushion, looks like fun. The hexes are looking excellent too.
Love the idea of a Yo-yo cushion, Lurline.
I agree, "Innocence" would be a better name for that rose!
hugs Julia ♥
Just love those hexagons and your rose is divine :-)
I love your hexagons Lurline. Looks so happy.
Have a nice day
hello lurlin,
you have wunderful colors for that produkt.
i love it.
greatings conny
Great yoyo's and fabulous hexies! Very colorful. Beautiful rosebud too, you greenthumb!
hi luraline,love those roses! Your hexagons look wonderful and the yo-yo makers are a great invention too! I am doing a small bag with the small yo-yo maker at present. (only have to make about 100!)... in between other projects, if you know what i mean! sue~n.z.
Don't you just love the small and portable projects to work on in the evenings?
Hexies and yoyo's...perfect! Ans such pretty colors.
the yo yos look great...can't wait to see it as a pillow/cushion!
do you find it easy with the yo yo maker?
hexagons look beautiful.
How lovely! I love making yo-yo's but I can NOT use the yo-yo maker! :) I made 2 queen size yo-yo quilts several years ago so I am faster just making them the regular way! When I made my quilts, they didn't even have yo-yo makers! :)
Love your hexagons! That is something that I have not tried yet! Will have to do that soon.
well Lurline you know I love hexies and your mat looks adorable. I also like the yo-yo pillow. Lovely creations.
Such happy bright colors. Nanette's fabrics always add that extra spark.
Great post Lurline, very pretty!!! I have already bought Nanette's gorgeous pattern, haven't made it yet though! I love the rose, and yes, I think Innocence is much better xo
Your yo-tos look great! I've got the same yo-yo maker Lurline...and I haven't tried it yet! I best do so soon!
An absolute lovely rose.... 8-)
What a beautiful rose.
Don't you just love those yo-yo makers. I think they are a great little gadgets
Oh I love your yo yo's and hexies. Such fun colors!!
Those hexagons and yo yos are so pretty. I love the fabrics that you used.
How charming! And, don't you just love Clover products? They never disappoint.
Yo yo's are so sweet. Hexie's too! You have been a busy girl!
great hexagons and yo-yo`s,they lok great.
Love these fun treasures. The are so pretty in all your beautiful fabrics.
I love looking at your projects (I am just a spotty commenter!). The bright colors you use are so cheerful and fun. The pillow you are making with Yo-Yo’s will be so cute!
Love the way you fussy cut some of the hexagons.
Beautiful Yo-yos! Someone came to our Thimbleberries club last week and showed off snowmen and santas using those. They were darling. Looks like it takes a lot of patience! I love your hexagons! Perfect project for evening time! Hugs from Washington State.
You are always working on such lovely projects :0) What a beautiful rose whatever it is called.
fantastic post, Love how you put your colours together, coll stuff!
All those colorful little shapes are great! I love the variety of fabrics!
gorgeous! I never say no to a yo yo! so addictive. All the colours look bright and gorgeous!
The yo-yos look like such fun. ARe they? And the hexy panel looks great. How did yiu like the paper piecing in the end?
The yoyo's and the hexies are just lovely eye candy!
Both projects are looking lovely, Lurline.
Your rose looks as soft as fairy floss ... very pretty.
I'm also working on yo-yo and hexagon projects concurrently!
They are addicting and fun! Love the fabrics you've chosen!
Good morning Lurline,
so tell me what the yo yo maker does? I've been making yo yo's for years without one and can't figure out how this tool makes it any easier :0).
As always I just love the colors you are working with....... Beautiful!
Happy Sewing
Hello Lurline,
I just love those hexagons.Lovely and bright.They sure are addictive aren't they. Have a wonderful week.
Lovely hexes Lurline!
I love your hexe's...I haven't received mine yet...hopefully they will look half as good as yours:) Tam xo
Lurline you are so kind. Thank you. Your yo yos and hexagons are perfect. I wish we lived closer to each other!
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