For each house block you will need:
(1) 2" x 8" rectangle
(1) 2" x 8" rectangle
(3) 2" x 3.5" rectangles
(1) 2" square
(1) 2" x 3.5" rectangle
(1) 2" square
(2) 2" squares
(5) 2" neutral squares
(2) 12.5" x 3.5" rectangles
Allowance for 1/4" seams has been included.
Sew your chimney squares and three of your neutral squares together as shown.
In this pic you can see that I have drawn diagonal lines across the neutral squares that will form the roof and background. It is important that you have one uphill diagonal line and one down hill diagonal line so the angles on your roof will turn out right!
You are now ready to add the topsy-turvy triangles! This is a little tricky as your houses will go 'uphill' and 'downhill' alternately, according to the block setting.
First place both 12.5" x 3.5" rectangles both right side up on top of each other. For the 'uphill' houses you want to place your ruler so that it runs DOWN HILL from upper left to lower right across your two rectangles. Use your rotary cutter to slice from lower right to upper left, corner to corner, through the rectangles.
For 'downhill' houses it is going to be the opposite. Still place both your rectangles right side up on top of each other. Place your ruler the opposite way from lower left to upper right ... your ruler is going 'uphill' but the triangles will turn your houses opposite, it will be going 'down hill' by the time you sew the triangles to the block.
Lay your triangles as shown above - it is important to have the straight grain of the triangles laid against the block!

Now, this is how your blocks will be posted to me and we will accurately trim them to 10" square!
Your blocks will be returned to you, as above - all ready to be joined together as you so desire! There will be 1/4" float around the joined houses, so you will have all your lovely litle corners intact - I would rather a float than a corner cut off - do you agree!

You can see I have sewn the side triangles first and snipped off the ends! Notice how the straight grain of the fabric is against the block and the 'not quite bias' is on the outside edge. I sew the two side triangles on to the block first.

Have a trial run and see how you go - once you do the first block it is easy-peasy!
As I said, please email me if you have any questions - I look forward to a lot of Aussie girls signing up and have had offers of from girls in the US to act as hostesses! Mmmm, we are going to have some nice wall hangings and quilts and have a lot of fun making them!
♥ ... Hugs ... Happy Stitching ... ♥
13 Lovely People said ...:
So cute. Now I want to make houses. More fun than cleaning them!
Hi Lurline, I've had a play and made a house. On my blog. Very quick and easy. One corner of my roof is a bit chopped off but that was me, not your instructions. Julie :-)
Hi Lurline, i didn't try to make a house as yet...but i wanted to tell you something. the hardanger doily looks very pretty. Nice work.
Thanks Lurline,I'll have a go at making some..
Julia ♥
Oh the little houses are so darn cute. I'll be watching your progress.
Thanks for the Happy House tutorial Lurline! I am thinking a bunch of these blocks would make a darling baby quilt for someone down the road! 8-)
These houses are so cute. I wish I could participate and put a link on my blog, but I understand it is not available in the US. Looks like you guys are going to have lots of fun. Sigh....
Hi there, and thank you for letting me join in with this. I will make the blocks and send them to my aunt in Australia first, then she will send the to you. Jane (from the UK.)
Hve enjoyed reading and viewing your blogg will have to have a go myself.
I am birdwomsns sister. (England)
What fun, cheerful, whimsical, delightful houses. Thank you so much for sharing. Miss Nancy in the USA
Oh, these are lovely. I especially like the white eyelet. Just so springlike and refreshing. Linda
Love your houses!!!! Many Hugs, Mary
Oh I love your houses, this swap was before I knew you, I would have loved to join, but I can follow your diections and make my own!! Thank you!
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