Here's my block for the Rainbow Quilt Swap! I did have a lovely productive day yesterday - shame it was marred by tearing my left index finger on the needle of the sewing machine - you see, the needle went into my fingertip and this Little Black duck pulled it away in pain, ripping it quite badly - same poor finger I sliced with the rotary cutter quite a few years ago, now - patchwork and quilting are hazardous , you know - oh, well - another lesson learned!
Anyhow - I'm happy with the way the fabrics worked in the block I have chosen to do for the Rainbow Quilt Swap! I will post a mini-tutorial, maybe tomorrow, for the girls who have problems achieving perfect pinwheels - well, is anything perfect? I think I am the only Australian in our group, I think the other girls are mainly from the USA - I have to be a good ambassador for our country, you know! Another 8 blocks to go! Above, Birdie 1 - as per Melly & Me's pattern!
32 Lovely People said ...:
So sorry about your finger dear Lurline. The quilt block is wonderful. I love the birdie too. Blogger is taking years off my life with glitches!!! Maybe soon it will be OK. Where would I be with out all my dear blog friends? Enjoy your day.
Sounds painful....the birds are so cute, no doubt about it Lurline you are one talented lady.
Oh Lurline your poor finger, hope it heals up nice and quick.
I like your modification, I think you've done the right thing.
OUCH, you hurt your finger making the best block ever, I am so sorry, but so lucky that we are in the same group and I will get one!!! Yes, please tell us the tricks to a perfect pinwheel, please!!
What a lovely pinwheel block Lurline, its so fresh and clean looking. Your birdies are both really sweet.
your pinwheels are adorable! i just love the red and white! Hope your finger gets better soon :O(
Ohsssss, I am so excited for my runner. Thanks Lurline, you are an Angel from the West. Love your red and white pin wheels block too - Natima
Ouch!!! Your poor finger!!!
I love your birdies -- and love the modification!
I hope that finger stays out of the way in future! The pinwheels are perfect of course and red is my favourite colour. The birdies are both very cute, I like your modification to the tail, makes it look more like the real thing. Hope you enjoyed your group today.
Love your tail! ahhhmm I mean I like the bird tail variation best. ;)
first, I LOVE your pinwheel nine patch block...great fabric choices :)
omgosh I LOVE your version of the bird, she is adorable, sorry to hear about your finger, ouch!
oh I hope you make more of these birdies your way!!!!
criging the pinwheels.........and I love the red hearts.......cute
OUCH!! Your poor finger!!! Hope it get's better soon!!
I love your pinwheels, and as for the birdie ... I love the modification, I think his new tail is very swish :o).
Joy :o)
A lovely block and the birds are so cute. Sorry to hear about your finger, guess we sewers live life on the edge!
Lurline Ouch! your pinwheels look cute as can be. I hope your finger gets better real soon.
I love the hearts! You are clever, you know all the tricks!
I did exactly the same thing with my left index finger earlier this week except it tore down the side. The bandage is a darn nuisance when you try to sew!
Love, love your bird version which has a very swish tail. You did good on the pinwheels too.
Blogger and I don't get along with paragraph spacing either for some reason. Love the little heart tricks.
LOVE your pinwheel block and your sweet bird. Sorry quilting has been hazardous.
Lurline, I love love love your block. Very happy. Both birds make me smile so I guess I'm no help there. Enjoyed this post and I like the hearts between the paragraphs.
I think everyone has the same paragraph issue with Blogger. I insert a ~ in the cente of the space where I would like a paragraph break. I'd love to do hearts but Lurline you know my computer has serious issues with allowing me to make them.
I just love those little birdies and I think your tail version is much more exotic!
I can't remember if we're in the same swap group but I sure hope we are. Love your red and white blocks!
Love, love, love the block. Perfect. And I like your bird better than the original. Your poor finger!
You can edit your html with a paragraph break. It's < p > at the beginning then < /p > at the end. I've added spaces in so it doesn't do it here. It seems to work ok. Although I do love the hearts and wish I could do them.
Lurline sorry to hear about your finger,please be careful you need those to sew,big grin.
I love your version of the bird, it is soooo cute.
So sorry about your finger Ouch that must have hurt. I like your new birdie tail. It is a very nice touch. Have fun at your quilt group. take of your finger...:o)
And I love your the tail..:o)
Sorry about your finger...I hope it is better soon! As to my choice, that is an easy one...the bird is adorable so definitely him. He is so cute!
Thanks so much! You are so sweet!
Love your block! In my favorite color! So sorry about your finger. Speedy recovery to you.
Sigh, beautiful pinwheels. Classic and lovely.
Love those Birdies They are Just Gorgeous...Love you Blocks they are so Fresh looking ...Great Fabric..Hope your Finger is on the mend.
cheers for a good weekend
Your bird it's fantastic.
ciao ciao
Love your blocks as well as the birdies. Hope your finger is better.
Oh my! Ouch! Your poor finger! Now you take care there Ms Lurline! You need those fingers!!! 8-)
Nice pinwheels!
Cute birdies! Love your altered tail! Since you are creating, perhaps on your next bird try that tail horizontally, instead of vertically? Another look? Just my 2 cents! 8-)
Happy stitchings!
PS: That is odd...?... I never have trouble with spaces in between my paragraphs... Do we all not work from the same Blogger? Hmmmm.... very curious!!!
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