One wonders - does Lurline have too much time on her hands? - I wish! Anyhow, I am pretty happy with this change of heart - still Pinwheels for my Rainbow Quilt Swap Block! Saw the block and loved it and thought 'Oh, that is so much easier than making 45 Pinwheels!' - now I have only 9 to make - they are 6" square - 1 per 12" block! Would not have a clue what the block is called - if anyone can enlighten me, please do!
I haven't forgotten about the Pinwheel Mini-tutorial I promised - all pics have been taken and quite a few hints to pass on to make perfect pinwheels!
The Littlies are coming to me tomorrow afternoon to sleep over for the night - Mum and Dad out partying - good on them - we are all here for a good time, not a long time!
Then Sunday, we collect baby Saskia, the new member to our family - a Ragdoll Kitten! No, she won't be living with me - she will belong to Danielle, Adrian, Heidi and Byron! Though I wish she was mine!
Happy weekend everyone - hugs♥
PS - still have lots of Birthday Fat Quarters to show - thank you to those Girls - also, Happy Houses are arriving, thank your to those Girls!
18 Lovely People said ...:
Real pretty red and white poka dots for pinwheel. No I don't think you have too much time on your hands? Your hands are busy sewing!!! Natima
Really like the new blocks. I saw a red and white quilt hanging in a quilt shop yesterday and fell in love with how it looked. I'm now adding a red and white one to my list of things to do!
I know what that block is called, Wonderful, I love it, I am a big fan of red and white, just beautiful, and that would have been a lot of pinwheels! i just love it and I get one!! Yippee!!!
The new block is great. I think you should name it yourself...maybe call it "change of heart"!
Oh yes...this is m-u-c-h better!!! Good for you!
I love the quilt block and the birdie is going to be adorable. I am excited about the rag doll kitten. I will need lots of photos please!
That is a lovely pinwheel block. And if you rip your first you already have 5!
i love this red block you have decided on for the sampler quilt. & i like the changes you have made to the birdie.
Lovely red pinwheel block! And the blue birdie is very cute. Is he going to yet a friend?
The birdie tail is a definite improvement. Love the red & white.
Lovely red pinwheel block....and the blue birdie is very cute..
The little ones are going to love that little kitty..
Hugs Julia ♥
Love this Block Better is has the WOW Factor I think...
cheers for a good weekend
Love the red and white block. It makes me smile!
Fabulous block -- I really like it!
And I love the birdie -- that tail is great!
Can't wait to hear about the new kitty.
This change in your pinwheel is great! I like the look of it! 8-)
Have fun with the littles! 8-)
Pretty birdie!
Well, I like the 9 patch pinwheels better, but totally understand the amount of work involved, and the other block is interesting as well. Love your choice of fabrics. Whoever gets one of your blocks will be so very lucky!
Love the bird in pink. Will he fly before Tuesday? LOL
You're so cute the way you changed up that block! I love the bird, too. Those birdies make a girl smile. And of course you know being a Ragdoll owner myself I'm excited about the new baby coming. Can't wait for photos.
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