There's a light at the end of the tunnel - only one more week to go and then, fingers crossed, my sling comes off. Here's a few more blocks I have found from GT&SB and I know there is another cutie hiding somewhere ...
And how about this? Another block partly prepared - not a great achievement, but still a little progress!
I've had two lovely days out and about - odds and ends on Monday, our State Guild on Tuesday and Secret Quilters in the evening. Lovely to get with all the girls again! Then when I arrived home Battle Hymn had just started - DH enjoys Fox Classics - now usually I pooh-pooh them! - watched it all the way through and felt like I was watching a chick-flick - a few little tears and nobody, nobody can convince me Rock Hudson was not
heterosexual - he must have acquired Aids from a blood
transfusion - such a beautiful, sensitive, gentle man,
lol! - sorry you young ones, out of your league and I so rarely reminisce! For all Aussie fans of Patrick
Swayze, North and South starts on
Foxtel next week , my all time favourite I-Wish Man - loved the miniseries, too!
Oh, dear not often I ramble - love these little Darlings and think maybe I can substitute a block in GT&SB - can I manage a start?
Lastly for today - I have been managing a little Perle quilting on Dino - he must be happy that a finish is not too far away!