After such a long time I promised myself I would blog today - and then awoke to devastating news as the rest of the world has heard. We have visited this beautiful city and have many happy memories and words cannot describe my feeling about this heinous act - with a sad heart I will carry on.
My worktable with a very favourite quilt above - yes, I am still a quilter after a forced absence. I have been very unwell for many months and discovered in a critical situation, I had a necrotic gall
bladder with attachments - however, the old Lurline is back with lots of news to share in days to come. I caught up with some of my very favourite people over the weekend, lots of laughs and good times, a few, very few bubbles and retail therapy of course!
My darling grandchildren, 17 year old twins Ayesha and Bailey in front of our place ready to take off in the Hummer for their Year 12 Formal - oh, yes, I am so very proud!
I had great difficulty uploading/downloading this Post - well, I did suffer severely with post anaesthetic psychosis, lol - yes I did, but in actual fact I mainly use my Apple ipad these days and have forgotten or Blogger has changed. Never mind, I'll get back to showing lots of pretties and I will tell you, browsing blogs has been a blessing to me in the past few months, so I thank you all, dear friends!