What a lovely way to spend a Saturday - and it just keeps getting better and better! Here I am about to stitch the binding onto my poor quilt that has been waiting so long for some attention! Some time ago, I was so very fortunate enough to do a bindings class with Narelle Grieve! You will see I have prepared the binding and started sewing leaving maybe a 8/10" tail.
While 'scrounging/caressing' fabrics in my stash this morning, I came across this little assortment above - hmmm, I'm about to redecorate a room for the Littlies - could make a very nice quilt!!!
My family is preparing Nachos for dinner (made by Angela) - yum, my favourite! - and then we are having a belated Birthday Cake (made by Ben) - this is one of the best Saturdays I have had for a long time!
Hope yours is a good one, too!
23 Lovely People said ...:
Lurline. the red/whites are just beautiful and oh so fresh. I too sew my binding the same way, it's a great plan and saves any bulk.
It's just a great way to do the binding isn't it? Love those red and whites. Continue to enjoy your weekend.
Happy weekend Lurline! Sounds like a delightful time. I adore those red/white fabrics - so very crisp!
always good to get the binding on a quilt - looks like a fun one. Gotta love me some red fabrics. Very sweet.
I need to take a class on binding, thanks for the tips.
oh I love those red and white fabrics and the little girls with the scarfs toooo cute, I see a little quilt here make it a medaliion with a 6" square in the center of that little girl fabric :)
toooo cute!!!!!
glad your have a wonderful Saturday, I am so happy for you.
My goodness me! I can use this a million times. I guess if I had more finishes to speak of I'd get this committed to memory. Not yet so I'm appreciative. Pretty fabrics, Lurline. Oh so darling. I just wanna touch it... Fabric is so alluring no matter beautiful, luscious or cute!
I am so glad you had such a nice Saturday. Quilting and being with loved ones--doesn't get much better than that.
I do my bindings the same way.
Sounds like a great weekend! I am going to do some binding this weekend too!! I just can't wait. Enjoy being spoiled!
I have not tried that binding method yet. I am fearful on not having enough or too much,just how to measure to come out right?? Love the red/white.. Would make lovely hearts..
the binding method works for me. The red and whites would be great for Valentine hearts....maybe I'm saying that to remind me of the fabric I've bought for Valentine projects and have never done
I do my binding that way and it is a nice way to finish it.
I really like the fabric with the bandanas on the girl's head.
Thanks so much for the mini tutorial. I was accomplishing the same thing only struggling with it. This will be a much easier! Glad you're having such a nice weekend.
I am so happy you are having a wonderful day!
Binding, no matter how many times I try, I just cannot do it that way. My binding just looks like another border with fat corners!!
Any day that includes sewing is a good day.
Love those pretty reds.
Thanks for the binding how-to! Glad you had such a wonderful Saturday!
I am so happy for you, thanks for the mini binding tute, being a complete newbie i am absorbing all end every bit of info i can! I agree, any day that includes sewing is a good day, love the fabrics for the next project, so lovely fresh and bright.
Sounds like a lovely day with family..That's a great way to join the binding..perfect every time!
Julia ♥
Thanks for the tutorial Lurline. I have seen this demonstrated and read the directions many times but always struggle. I think your pics and tutorial have at last helped the penny drop for me! Jill x
I learned that binding finish about 2 years ago but until only recently I had to read my notes every time. But when one learns this method the binding just goes on and on.
That's the bit of the binding I hate, I always get it the wrong way around *roflol*. toni xxx
Lurline...I am happy that you had such a wonderful Saturday. You deserve many more just like it!
Thanks for the binding instuctions. My friend recently showed me that same thing...and now you have it posted so that I will not forget it.
I am in love with the fabrics you showed for the quilt for the Littlies. Awe!
Actually Lurline I think that a lot of quilters don't know that final join method - or forget in between times and would treasure a reminder, so I'm sure this post will get lots of visits and revisits
now how about that fridge photo ?
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